Sastav: Govedina 500 gr, kecap od paradajza 50 gr, Psenicno brasno 40 gr,
so, dodatak jelima, list persuna, list celera, biber
Priprema: Meso odvojiti od
kostiju, po potrebi ocistiti od zila, zaciniti, uvaljati u brasno i
prziti na masnoci dok ne porumeni. Kada je meso porumenelo u posudu
dodati vodu i distati u poklopljenoj posudi dok meso ne omeksa. Izvaditi
U saft dodati kecap i zacin (dodatak jelima), vodu (ili mesnu supu) pa
prokuvati. Naliti zaprskom od masnoce i brasna, mesajuci da se zaprska
ne zgrudva, pa kuvati oko 20 minuta. Kada je saft skuvan dodati biber i
naseckan list persuna i celera.
Srevirati meso u saftu.
Kao prilog uz pecenicu servira se pomfrit ili bareno povrce.
Sastav: Teletina bez kostiju 200
gr, Kajmak 50 gr, Jaje 1 komad, Brasno, prezle, so, ulje, prilog od
povrca, sos
Priprema: Meso (file, kotlet)
iseci na sniclu, posoliti i izlupati. Sniclu zaviti u rolnu
filujuci je kajmakom. pa je panirati u bra-sno i jaje a potom i u prezlu.
Prziti u dubokoj masnoci dok ne porumeni.
Kada je snicla gotova gotovo servirati je na ovalu uz prilog (pomfri,
bareni grasak i sargarepa) i ukrasiti limunom.
Sastav: Svinjsko meso 100 gr,
Sunka (prsuta) 30 gr, Kackavalj 20 gr, So, biber, pecena paprika
Priprema: Meso za sniclu istuci
i posoliti. Rolovati puneci sunkom, kackavaljem i pecenom paprikom.
Prziti na plitkoj masnoci da porumeni. Servirati uz tarator sos.
Sastav: Junetina (vrat i plecka)
400 gr, Kobasica 2 para, Sampinjoni 100 gr, Pavlaka, crno vino po 0,2
dcl, Dodatak jelima, brasno
Priprema: Meso iseci na 4
jednaka odreska. Meso istucati sa jedne strane. Tu stranu uvaljati u
brasno. Na masnoci prziti, prvo uvaljanu pa onda drugu stranu, dok meso
ne porumeni. Izvaditi meso a u masnocu dodati iseckane sampinjone i
kobasice. Proprziti nakratko i naliti sa 1/2 l supe. Pustiti da prokuva.
Kada smesa prokuva u nju vratiti meso i dinstati dok sampinjoni ne
Servirati uz bareno povrce, pirinac ili krompir pire.
Sastav: Mleveno meso 250 gr,
Sampinjoni 150 g, Zumance 1 komad, brasno, prezle, pavlaka, so, biber,
crni luk, persunov list, kockaza mesnu supu
Priprema: Brasno, prezle,
pavlaku i zumance zamesati sa mesom. Smesu dobro izmesiti i od nje
oblikovati knedle.
Knedle prziti da porumene pa ih izvaditi iz masnoce.
U masnoci prziti luk, pa kad porumeni, dodati pecurke, naliti vodom i
dodati kocku za supu. Prokuvati. Ako je saft redak zgusnuti ga dodajuci
Saftom preliti knedlice i ostaviti desetak minuta da odstoje tako
prelivene. Servirati uz prilog od povrca ili testeninu.
Sastav: Prsuta/rolovana sunka
1/2 kg, Kleka bobice 1 kasicica, Psenicno brasno 1 kg, Kvasac 1,5
paketic, Mleko 1/2 litra, Vino belo 1 dcl, Jaja 4 komada, Margarin 250
gr, So
Priprema: U malo mleka razmutiti
kvasac i ostaviti na toplom da kisne.
Narasli kvasac zamesati sa ostalim sastojcima za testo, pa za-mesiti
testo , ne prevrse tvrdo, tako da se ne lepi za ruke. Ostaviti da testo
kisne 45 minuta.
Ponovo premesiti testo, pa ga razvuci i obmotati oko prsute. Peci na
175oC oko 50 minuta.
Servirati sa mesanom salatom - toplo.
(Ako je prsuta preslana ostaviti
je oko 1 sat u mineralnoj vodi, izvaditi i posusiti)
" E Sterhazen"
Sastav: Junetina (vrat i plecka)
600 gr, Luk crni 4 glavice, Zelenis za supu 1 vezica, Pavlaka i crno
vino po 0,2 dcl, dodatak jelima, so, biber, senf, brasno, kriska limuna
Priprema: Povrce oprati i
ocistiti pa ga sitno narezati .
Meso istucati, posoliti, uvaljati u brasno i prziti da poprimi lepu
rumenu boju. Isprzeno meso izvaditi iz masnoce, a na masnoci proprziti
crni luk i povrce.
U masnocu gde se dinsta povrce vratiti meso, podliti supom da ogrezne,
dodati zacine (dodatak jelima), vino, malo senfa i pa-vlaku. Pustiti da
prokuva i kuvati jos oko 20 minuta.
Servirati na ovalu uz prilog od barenog povrca. Ukrasiti limunom.
Sastav: Mleveno meso 400 gr, Luk
crni 2 glavice, Jaja 1 komad, Brasno, dodatak jelima, so, biber, hleb,
mlevena paprika, sitno seckani list persuna i celera, masnoca
Priprema: Meso se zamesi da
sitno seckanim crnim lukom, izdrobljenim hlebom i zacinima. Pripremljeno
meso se oblikuje u snicle koje prze na masnoci da porumene se sa obe
Snicle u prezlama: oblikovane snicle umesati u prezle i prziti na
masnoci sa obe strane.
Pohovane snicle: kada su napola przene snicle panirati u masu za
pohovanje i pohovati na masnoci.
Snicle servirati uz prilog (bareno povrce, pire i sl.) ili sos.
Sastav: Mleveno meso 400 gr, Luk
crni 2 glavice, Luk beli 2 cesnja, Jaja 1 komad, brasno, dodatak jelima,
so, biber, hleb, mlevena paprika, list persuna i celera
Priprema: Hleb (2 kriske)
staviti u mleko da odstoji oko 30 minuta, izvaditi ga i ocediti.
Crni luk iseci sitno i prziti da porumeni. Przeni luk dodati u meso
zajedno sa seckanim belim lukom, izmrvljenim hlebom, jajetom, paprikom u
prahu, dodatkom jelima, seckanim listom persuna i celera. Dobro izmesiti.
Praviti cufteta pa ih peci u pecnici da porumeni sa svih strana. Po
potrebi podlivati sa malo vode. Gotova cufteta preliti sosom od
paradajza i kuvati 10 minuta.
Servirati uz testeninu.
Sastav: Govedina 1/2 kg, Kiseo
kupus ribanac 1 kg, Luk crni 2 glavice, Kecap 50 gr, Sargarepa 20 gr,
Supa (mesna), Brasno, so, biber, paprika u prahu-ljuta, sitno seckan
list persuna, masnoca
Priprema: Meso se priprema kao
za gulas s tom razlikom sto se dodaje ljuta paprika. U posebnoj posudi
pripremiti kiseo kupus sa dodatkom kima i supe pa pirjaniti oko 30
Servirati tako sto se kiseo kupus, razvucen u tanjiru, prelije mesom i
mesnim saftom.
Sastav: Junetina (vrat i plecka)
1 kg, Beli luk 50 gr, so, ljuta paprika, crni luk 1 glavica
Priprema: Junetinu samleti,
dobro izmesiti i ostaviti da odstoji dvanaest sati.
Kada meso odstoji ponovo ga samleti, sada sitnije, dodati pri tome beli
luk i papriku. Sada meso dobro izmesiti pa ostaviti da odstoji na
hladnom mestu najmanje dva sata.
Od tako pripremljene mase oblikovati cevapcice i peci na rostilju.
Servirati na ovalu sa seckanim crnim lukom kao dodatkom. (Seckani crni
luk, u nasim krajevima, smatra se standardnim prilogom uz jela sa
CEVAPCICI Sastav: Junetina 700 gr,
Govedina 300 gr, so, biber, mlevena paprika
Priprema: Samleti meso. Izmesiti
i osatviti da odstoji 10 sati. Ponovo samleti i izmesiti i ostaviti da
odstoji oko 2 sata. Zaciniti. Oblikovati cevapcice i peci.
Sastav: Cevapcici spremLjeni na
rostilju, Kajmak
Priprema: Cevapcici se
pripremaju po nekoj od receptura za cevapcice. Pripremljene cevapcice
preliti zagrejanim kajmakom i sluziti. Kajmak se uzima u kolicini do 20
grama po osobi.
Sastav: Junetina, teletina,
svinjetina, ovcetina, susena slanina sve po 200 grama, paradajz,
paprika, so, biber, tucana (mlevena) paprika
Priprema: Meso, slanina i
paprika, sve iseceno na kocke, naizmenicno se redjaju na raznjice.
Raznjici se peku na rostilju.
Paradajz se opere, ocisri od peteljki I propece na rostilju.
Servira se zacinjeno (so, biber, tucana paprika)
Sastav: Teletina (plecka/but) 200 gr, Svinjetina (plecka/but) 200 gr,
so, biber, crni luk
Priprema: Meso ocistiti od
zilica i odvojiti od kostiju, iseci na kocke i nizati na raznjice. Peci
na namascenom rostiLju. Servirati u duguLjastim tanjirima, posoliti,
pobiberiti. Kao prilog dodati seckan crni luk i tucanu papriku.
Sastav:Svinjetina 200 gr, Teleca
brizla 150 gr, Bubrezi 100 gr, Dzigerica 100 gr, Mleveno meso 200 gr,
so, biber, mlevena paprika
Priprema: Meso iseci na kockice
(predhodno po potrebi istuci tuckom). Od mlevenog dobro izmesenog mesa
oblikovati cuftice.
Redjati na raznjic naizmenicno: komad mesa, komad bubrega, brizle,
dzigerice, cuftu. Peci na rostilju.
Servirati zacinjeno mlevenom paprikom.
Sastav: Svinjetina 300 gr,
Junetina 300 gr, Crni luk 300 gr, Beli luk 50 gr, Faferoni 4 komada, so,
Priprema: Meso samleti dva puta.
Izmesiti i ostaviti da odstoji na hladnom oko 10 sati. Ponovo samleti
dodajuci 1/3 luka. Izmesiti. Posoliti i pobiberiti. Ostaviti da odstoji
sat vremena. Kod drugog mesanja dodati ostatak crnog luka i beli seckani
luk i sitno seckane faferone. Zaciniti solju i biberom po ukusu.
Od mesa oblikovati pljeskavice i peci na rostilju.
Servirati uz dodatak seckanog crnog luka I ljute mlevene paprike.
Sastav: Svinjsko meso razno 600
gr, Crni luk 300 gr, Paradajz 200 gr, Paprika zelena 200 gr, Beli luk 50
gr, Persunov lis, So, biber
Priprema: Meso samleti i mesiti
dva puta. Posoliti i pobiberiti I izmesiti jos jednom. Ostaviti da
odstoji dva sata na hladnom mestu.
Oblikovati 4 pljeskavice i ispeci na rostiLju sa obe strane.
Dok se pljeskavice peku na rostiLju, isecen crni i beli luk isprziti.
Pre kraja przenja dodati sitno seckan persunov list, so i biber. Gotovom
smesom preliti pljeskavice, pa tako servirati.
Kao prilog servirati seckani
crni luk i mlevenu papriku.
Sastav: Kackavalj 300 gr, Kajmak
/Uzicki/ 50 gr, Crni luk 1 glavica, Feferona 1 komad
Priprema: Kackavalj nastrugati,
dodati kajmak, nastrugan luk i seckanu feferonu. Mesati dok se ne dobije
jednolicna masa. Oblikovati pzeskavice i peci na rostiLju 4 minuta sa
obe strane.
Sastav: Gotova pljeskavica,
Priprema: Gotovu pljeskavicu
servirati na zagrejanom kajmaku
( kolicina kajmaka :10-20 gr po osobi).
Sastav: Meso posno 500 gr /svinjetina,
teletina, govedji file/, Crni luk 3 glavice, Paradajz 2 komada,Beli luk
3 cesnja, Sveza paprika 4 komada, Vino 1 dcl, so, biber, mesavina zacina,
persunov list, senf, tucana paprika (Ljuta)
Priprema:Mesom peceno na
rostiLju iseci na kocke.
Crni luk iseckati i distati. Kada luk porumeni dodati povrce iseceno na
kocke i sitno iseckan persunov list, pa dinstati dok povrce ne omeksa.
Podliti vinom i dodati 1-2 kasike senfa. Zaciniti po ukusu i distati
poklopljeno jos 5 minuta.
Sluziti toplo.
Muckalica sa sampinjonima: Sa
povrcem se doda, na polovine presecenih 200 grama sampinjona, a uz meso
i na parcice secena dimLjena slanina. Spravnja po recenom receptu.
Sastav: Svinjetina 500 gr, Crni
luk 1 glavica, Paradajz 3 komada, Paprika zelena 3 komada, Tucana Ljuta
paprika, so, biber, list persuna
Priprema: Od mesa napraviti
raznjice i ispeci na rostilju.
Crni luk, papriku i paradajiz iseci i prziti. Kada crni luk poprimi
rumenu boju zaciniti dodajuci so, biber, persunov seckani list i dosta
tucane (mlevene) Ljute paprike. Dinstati da povrce omeksa. Kada povrce
omeksa dodati meso i kratko prodinstati.
Servirati toplo.
Mlevena (tucana) paprika ne mora biti ljuta, ako to nije u skladu sa
ukusom, ali je uobicajeno da leskovacka muckalica bude dobro zazucena.
Sastav: Meso od buta, Crni luk,
so, (gotova mesavina zacina), biber
Priprema: Vesalice se
pripremaju od razlicitog mesa od buta (svinjetina, teletina, srnetina i
Meso se isece na debLje snicle, zasece po sredini ( nikada do kraja) i
dobro istuce tuckom da omeksa.
Tako omeksalo meso se zacini po ukusu i pece na rostilju.
Sluzi se servirano na ovalu.
NA ZARU Sastav: Riba (cela), Limun, so, biber,
persunov list
Priprema: Riba se ocisti, opere
i osusi. Zacini se.
Pece se uz stalno okretanje. Servira se uz kormpir salatu, kuvani
krompir ili uz neki od sosova. Polije se limunovim sokom.
Punjena riba na zaru: Ribu puniti nadevom (primer: isecenom
slaninom, belim lukom i zacinima). Zatvoriti cackalicom. Prema-zati
uLjem i peci na rostilju sa obe strane.
Riba na kajmaku: Pre posluzenja ribu pripremLjenu na zaru preliti
rastopnjenim kajmakom (do 20 gr po osobi).
Sastav: Cevapcici 5 komada,
Pljeskavica 1 komad, Vesalica 1 komad, Ustipci 5 komada,Kobasica 1 par
Priprema:Svaki sastojak "voza"
priprema se prema odgovarajucoj recepturi. (Varijanta i sa rostiljem na
Sluzi se pojedinacno iznoseci svaki sastojak posebno uz odgo-varajuci
prilog (salatu), (kao voz) uz salatu.
Sastav: Biftek 800 gr, Jaja
kokosija 4 komada, Paradajz kecap 4 case, so, biber, senf, uLje
Priprema: Biftek iseci na 4
debLje snicle. Svaku sniclu premazati senfom. Zaciniti po ukusu.
Premazati uljem i peci na rostilju. Jaja pripremiti 'na oko'.
Servirati tako sto se na svako parce mesa stavi po jedno jaje, sve dobro
pospe kecapom i sluzi.
Kao prilog se posluzuje zelena salata, mrki sos (tatar sos) i pri-log od
barenog povrca.
Biftek u pacu: Biftek, premazan
senfom i zacinjen, staviti u posudu i preliti uLjem. Dodati se list
lovora, 2-3 karanfilica, isecen crni luk, izgnjecen beli luk.
Sve se naliti belim vinom da ogrezne, pa se ostavi na hladnom (fizider)
da odstoji 24 sata.
Meso se izvadi iz paca, premaze uLjem i pece na rostilju.
Servirati tako sto se na svako parce mesa stavi po jedno jaje, sve dobro
pospe kecapom i sluzi.
Kao prilog se posluzuje zelena salata, mrki sos (tatar sos) i prilog od
barenog povrca.
Cevapcici (1)
500 gr minced meat (lamb)
500 gr minced meat (beef)
1 egg
a little tabasco
1 teaspoon oregano
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon (spicy) bell pepper powder
2 cloves garlic, minced
3-4 tablespoons beef/vegetable stock
Mix all the ingredients together and make sausages of it. The sausages
should be 10 cm long and be as thick as a finger. Then you can grill
them over a charcoal fire or an electric grill. I use a grill pan and
that works well too.
The recipe says lamb meat should be used since it contains fat that
makes the cevapcici tender. Pork is a good substitute in case you do not
like lamb.
Cevapcici (2)
500 gr minced meat (pork and beef mixture)
1 onion (cut in very small pieces)
2 cloves garlic (minced)
1 egg
1 tablespoon paprika powder
salt and pepper
Mix all the ingredients together in a large bowl. Make small sausages of
the meat mixture and put them in the fridge for 1 hour.
Roast the cevapcici over the barbeque, use the oven grill or a grill pan
until they are cooked well and look brown.
Eat the cevapcici combined with raw onion rings and ketchup (or any
other sauce you like).
You can also use 500 gr fresh tomatoes, take of the skin by putting the
tomatoes in boiling water until the skin breaks. After removing the skin
cut the tomatoes in small pieces (take off most of the seeds). Use them
the same way as the canned tomatoes.
Serbian Pilav
750 gr pork (I use filet)
100 gr butter
250 gr onions
2 green bell peppers
2 cloves of garlic
2 cans peeled tomatoes (diced)
2 teaspoons (spicy) paprika powder
salt and pepper
250 gr rice
7,5 dl vegetable stock
Clean the onions and cut them in small pieces and mince the garlic. Put
the butter in a large frying pan and fry the onion and garlic for about
5 minutes. Cut the meat in pieces (not to big) and add it to the onion
and garlic. Clean the bell peppers and cut them in small strips, add
them to the meat, onion and garlic. Fry everything until the meat is
brown. Add the diced tomatoes, paprika powder, salt and pepper to the
mixture and bring it to a boil. Let it simmer for 30 minutes till
everything is cooked. Put the meat-vegetable mixture in a large oven
dish, add the rice and pour over the vegetable stock until everything is
covered. Take a piece of aluminum foil to cover the oven dish and put it
in a preheated oven on 200 degrees Celsius for 45 minutes.
The pilav should be served as warm as possible and it is nice to have a
tomato salad as a side dish.
Srpska Salata
500 gr tomatoes
4 green peppers
1 onion
parsley (if you like)
Slice the tomatoes, peppers and onion. Put everything in a salad bowl,
add salt, oil and finely chopped parsley. Mix the salad well.
Serbian Salad
500 gr tomatoes
2 onions
1 cucumber
1 red pepper
1 clove garlic
1 tablespoon vinegar
salt and pepper
Slice the tomatoes, cut the onions in thin strips, rasp the cucumber.
Take out the seeds of the red pepper and slice it in very thin strips.
Mince the garlic. Put everything together in a bowl and sprinkle oil and
vinegar over it. Add some salt and pepper and mix everthing well. Let
the salad cool down in the fridge for 1 hour.
Mina�s Quick Tomato Salad
Cut the tomatoes in pieces, do the same with the onion. Put tomatoes and
onion together in a bowl, add some salt and mix the salad well. Let it
stand in a cool place for while before eating.
It�s a quick lunch salad we make very often in summer because the
tomatoes overhere are really delicious.
2 large eggplant
250 gr red bell pepper
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 tablespoon vinegar
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon pepper
1 tablespoon olive oil
Bake the eggplant and the bell peppers in an preheated oven on 250
grades Celsius until the skins are forming blisters. Take the eggplant
and the bell peppers from the oven and remove the skins when they are
still warm. Remove the seeds from the bell peppers.
Use a blender to make a paste from the eggplant and the bell pepper, add
garlic and vinegar and bring the mixture to taste with salt and pepper.
Stir in the olive oil little by little till the mixture has become
You can use ajvar as a side dish (salad), then put some fresh cut
parsley on top. It�s also nice to put on bread, as a sandwich spread
with some lettuce, cucumber, tomato, cheese, ham, etc. I use it also in
sauces for pasta and a little of it makes my chili con carne taste
Pasulj (1) 'Serbian White Bean Soup'
250 gr bacon cut in cubes
2 cloves garlic, minced
some fresh sellery
3 onions
2 red bell peppers
2 cans white beans
3 tablespoons tomato paste
pepper, salt, spicy paprika powder
Fry the bacon cubes in a frying pan without the use of oil. Add the cut
onions, bell pepper and the minced garlic, fry until everything is soft.
Add the white beans (with the juice from the can) and the tomato paste.
Add about 0,75 liter water and bring the soup to a boil. Let it simmer
on a low fire for about 20 minutes. Then press as much as possible the
white beans against the side of the pan (like squeezing). Add some fresh
sellery and let the soup boil for another 10 minutes. Add pepper, salt
and paprika powder to taste.
Pasulj (2) 'Serbian White Bean Soup'
250 gr dried white beans
2 onions
2 cloves garlic
250 gr bacon
2 potatoes
3 carrots
sunflower oil
1 tablespoon spicy paprika powder
pepper and salt
Soak the white beans over night in cold water. Cut one onion in big
pieces, clean the garlic and cut the cloves in two parts. Boil the white
beans in the water they have been standing in together with the onion
and garlic.
Cut the bacon and potatoes in cubes, the carrots in slices. Fry first
the bacon then add potato, carrot and the rest of the onion and fry it
all together for about 5 minutes. Add the spicy paprika powder and mix
it well. Then add this mixture to the beans and let it all simmer on low
fire till everything is cooked well. Put in some salt and pepper to
Instead of salt I usually use some dried soup stock which I put in
immediatly when everything goes in one pan. Here in Serbia you can buy
some garlic sausage which taste nice with the soup, you can add it at
the end. If you have some smoked sausage left over you can add that as
well. Be carefull that the soup will not end up too salty. If it does,
peel some potatoes (whole) and put them in the soup, they will take in
salt which makes the soup less salty. Before serving take the whole
potatoes out.
Other Links
See also
- 1 lb ground Lamb
- 1 lb ground Veal
- 1 lb ground Pork
- 1 large yellow onion,
peeled and grated
- 3 cloves garlic --
peeled and crushed
- 3 tbsp hot Hungarian
paprika, or sweet paprika and a little Cayenne
- 2 tbsp freshly ground
black pepper
- salt to taste
- Pinch of freshly grated
- olive oil for basting
Mix all the ingredients,
except the oil, thoroughly and roll the mixture into
little "cigars" about 1 inch by 3 inches. Rub lightly
with olive oil and grill
or broil until done. These are great on the barbecue.

Ingredients1 lb Dried white Beans (navy or cannellini)
2 onions, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
3 bay leaves
2 tb Chopped parsley
2 tb tomato paste
1 lg carrot, scraped and sliced
5 To 6 whole peppercorns
1 lb Kielbasa, thickly sliced
1/2 tb salt
2 tb olive oil
1 ts paprika
2 tb flour
DirectionsYou will need a large saucepan. Pick over the Beans for bits
of grit and chaff, and rinse them twice in
cold water. Put the Beans in a large saucepan and cover them with water
to a depth of 1 to 2 inches.
Bring the water to a boil and then turn down the heat.Leave to simmer
gently for half an hour.
Remove the pan from the heat and pour in enough cold water to cover the
Beans to a depth of 3 inches. The
Beans will settle on the bottom. Leave them for a minute or two; then
pour off the water and replace
with fresh water. Bring the water to a boil and then turn down the heat
to simmer. Add the onions, garlic,
bay leaves, parsley, tomato paste, carrot, and peppercorns to the Beans.
Cook gently over very low heat
for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, until the Beans are soft. After 45 minutes of the
cooking, add the kielbasa.
Fifteen minutes before you are ready to serve, add the salt and prepare
a liaison for the soup. Heat the oil
until it is smoking lightly; then quickly stir in the paprika, followed
by the flour. Mix to a thin paste.
Add this to the soup, stirring well. Simmer for 5 minutes, until the
soup is thick and rich.
Serve with plenty of bread and good red wine.
Yugoslav Carrot Cake
4 egg yolks
1 cup sugar
1 cup grated carrots
1 cup minced walnuts
1 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla
1/8 tsp salt
1 cup oil
2 1/2 Tbl hot water
1/2 tsp baking soda
4 egg whites
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup strawberry, apricot, or raspberry jam
Cream together until light egg yolks and sugar. Stir in carrots,
walnuts, flour, baking powder, nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla, salt and
Mix together and add to mixture hot water and soda.
Beat egg whites until foamy. Add sugar to egg whites and beat
until stiff and glossy:
Fold egg whites into flour mixture. Turn into greased 9x13-inch
pan lined with greased waxed paper. Bake at 350 F 45 minutes or
until cake tests done. Cool.
Remove from pan, remove paper and slice cake into halves horizontally.
Cover the bottom half of the cake with cream cheese filling. Cover
filling with jam.
Top with remaining cake half and frost cake with whipped cream,
sweetened to taste with powdered sugar.
Cream cheese filling
8 ounces softened cream cheese
1/2 C sugar.
Gradually beat sugar into cream cheese until smooth and fluffy.
 |
6-8 red peppers
400g beef or pork mince
1 cup of rice
2 carrots
2 onions
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
2 teaspoons salt |
½ cup of olive oil
2-3 potatoes
2 tablespoons plain flour
1 teaspoon sweet paprika
1 teaspoon vegetable or dehydrated green herb stock
Cut tops off peppers
and remove seeds. Wash peppers to prepare for filling. |
- Fry chopped onions and grated carrots
in olive oil at medium to high temperature. Stir constantly.
- After 2-3 minutes add mince and salt
and continue to fry it for another 4-5 minutes.
- Take it off heat and add rice, plain
flour, sweet paprika and dehydrated vegetable or green herb
- Stir the mixture. Spoon filling into
the peppers. Cover the top of each pepper with a slice of
potato. Place peppers in a dish.
- Place remaining potatoes put between
- Pour water until peppers are covered.
Boil at low temperature for 40-45minutes.
- Sprinkle chopped parsley on the top.
Serve hot.